Why is "CONTENT" always the KING?

Content is King


If you are using Internet on a regular basis and doing stuffs related to Blogging, you probably must have heard this statement at least once. It is one of the most heard phrases in the world of blogging. And as of now. you are also a part of this world, it is very common that you also have heard this statement. Why won't you or anyone would hear it, as it is emphatically true.

Being the most important factor in the success of any blog/website, it deserves to be considered the KING. I am here to solve your each and every query related to the world of blogging. And believe me you will totally understand why content is considered the king and will always be the king at the end of this post. 

What actually is CONTENT?

When you hear the word CONTENT, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably words, maybe it would be correct. But content is not only about words. It also consists of photos, videos, graphics and other elements. All these elements together forms the content. 

By the word content, we actually mean message which we might want to convey to the visitors. For conveying the message more clearly, the message should be very clear, engaging and worthwhile. 
By content, we actually refer to the following things - 
  • The copy on your website/blog
  • Blogs considering customer's problems
  • Product explaining eBook
  • Video tutorials 
  • Set of photos describing some product
The most important thing is that your content must be enough precious and helpful to your visitors. Anything that is not worthy wouldn't attract customers. Take an example of yourself, would you like to read a blog which didn't have much valuable content. Then how can you expect someone to read yours' without precious content. Any content which isn't valuable isn't even worth anyone's time. Its all about preciousness. You are reading this post only if it is worthy enough to you. You must have got the point now. 

Reasons why is CONTENT considered the KING!

1. Content and SEO stands along

Plagiarism free and genuine content on any website/blog has a great impact on the search engine ranking and SEO of the particular. Content on a website or blog should be of at least  300-500 words along with internals and outbound links to the related content. Keywords should be set so as to increase the website's rank organically for related search terms. A much higher rank eventually increase the website to more visitors searching for that specific keyword or something relevant to it. 

2. Persuades More Engagements

Valuable content animate more consumers to engage with your website/blog, whether it is on social media platforms or in blogspot form. If your content is really rich and is valuable, visitors must stop at your website to understand and gain the message you are trying to convey. They would even comments their query, like and share your piece of genuine work which ultimately increases visitors. 
And if your content is not much worthy, the visitor will continuously scroll down and your entire article will disappear like nothing. 

3. Produces New Escorts & Sales

Precious content generates awareness of your blog/website in the marketplace, which ultimately generate new escorts and increases sales as well, because the visitors are much exposed to popular products/services. And if you get much visitors on your website/blog, you will able to collect more revenue from your website. Good content is always a little less salesy than commercial because it provides visitors a chance to organically engage with your website/blog without even disturbing the sales.  

4. Tally Value to your Website/Blog

Content which solves the problem of visitors and help them in their passion or everyday life ,or teaches them something adds value in some ways to the product or service. This value may be abstract and maybe doesn't have a direct financial value. Being invaluable, it creates a relationship between the consumer and the service provider. The most ideal content that adds value to a service/product is a blog post or video that teaches something to the visitors, just like this blog post you are reading. These blog posts, instructional videos and web seminars are perfect to add value to the Website/Blog. 

5. Draws Traffic

Good quality content not only helps in SEO purposes and value adding purposes, it also helps you drive more traffic towards your blog and keep visitors regular on your blog/website. Let's consider an example to understand this clearly. Suppose a website with only the homepage and contact page. This website will receive very less and limited visitors along with high bounce rates. Whereas a website with dozens of good quality and genuine blog posts and multiple pages, will ultimately receive more traffic in comparison to the previous one. The entire game depends on the Content. The richer your content will be, higher visitors count you get on your blog. 

Also read --  Basic Blogging Terms

So these are a few points that will make you understand that CONTENT is really the KING! Hope you liked the article and gained as much knowledge you can. If you liked this posts and it really helped you understand the reason of the most heard phrase, make sure to share this post as much as you can. 

And for more tips and knowledge regarding Blogging, Adsense, making online money; keep following Adsense Hub. Also subscribe to our newsletter to get latest updates directly on your email. 


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