10 Must Known Tips For Newbies Before Starting A Blog

So, finally your mind had implanted an idea of starting a Blog for various reasons. The reasons may be money, passion,fame or other factors. Put it aside. Thinking of starting a blog is just like eating a pie. But the most important factor is starting and managing the Blog. But, I have seen many new bloggers committing the same mistakes at the initial stages.

These common mistakes seem to be very small but they waste a lot of time, effort as well as money sometimes. I am currently having over 5 years experience in the field and have done the same mistake sin my initial stages too. I almost wasted 6 months while committing the same mistakes and finally have understood the basics of blogging. Being a professional blogger. I would like to share some tips with all those new bloggers so as to save your time, effort as well as money.

10 Tips for Newbies Tending to Start a New Blog

1. Perfect Platform to choose 

There are almost over 100 blogging platforms available on the Internet. And choosing the best platform to start a blog is like finding salt in flour. That's why I am here to sort out some the most basic problems. 

The most popular blogging platforms are WordPress and Blogger.
I started my first blog on Blogger. But as I started getting more traffic and content on my blog, I shifted to WordPress.

Choosing the best platform is all on yourself. Its on you that how much are you liable to use and how comfortable you are while using the mentioned platforms. If you are good using WordPress, make sure to start your blog using WordPress. For you, WordPress is the perfect blogging platform for you. 
And if you are using Blogger more efficiently and perfectly, start it using Blogger. Blogger is also the best platform for blogging in case you have much knowledge using it. 

According to me, Newbies who have potential to invest a little in their blog, and do blogging like pro bloggers should start using WordPress. While all those bloggers who want to earn experience and don't have much money to invest should start using Blogger.  

2.  Domain Name 

If you start using any of the two platforms mentioned above, you will be admitted with a free sub-domain as www.anything.blogpsot.com or www.anything.wordpress.com. 

But if you are tending to do professional blogging and do serious blogging, I prefer you not to go with those domains. You should go with custom domains which you have to purchase while getting a hosting. I have researched a lot and have gathered a few tips (or you can say hacks) to get the perfect domain for professional blogging. 
  • Make sure your domain have keyword matching to the niche of your blog. This will result in better search engine results.
  • Your domain must be compact, easy to understand and appropriate.
  • Domain name should be something that would be memorized by visitors. Try getting a domain name that you would like to click on first look.
  • Make sure you are not using any symbols like _, -, ., etc if possible.

3. Design of Blog

Ah, here comes one of then most important factors, the design of your blog. Your blog design must be very simple and highly user friendly. The design should be such that it attracts more visitors toward your blog.

Your blog's design should be much attractive so that it remains in visitor's mind. 
WordPress and Blogger offers a large variety of premium as well as free themes. You should select the most appropriate and responsive theme depending upon your niche. 

4. Blog's Content

As you all know or will probably know that CONTENT is the King in the field of  blogging. If you are not having good quality content on your blog, all your other decorates will probably go waste. Make sure you blog have 100% plagiarism free and genuine articles so that Google verifies it easily and mark your blog in its search engine. 

5. Speed of Posting Articles

Bloggers should always have a plan for posting blogs on a regular basis. Newbies must plan themselves on how frequently they would post. If working in group, members should have a routine of posting articles, which every member should follow. 
Initially, you may post over 3-4 blog posts every week. At least 2 blog posts must be posted every week so as to keep consistency.

6. Blog Promotion

For growing your blog and gaining more visitors, you should promote your blog on various social networking sites and forums present on Internet. The social media sites are playing a vital role in the promotion of most of the blogs nowadays.According to me, social media is one of the main reason for success of Blogs as nowadays everyone use social media. So you should make use of popular social sites for promotion of your blog. Bloggers should promote their blog posts on social networking like -

7. Good Relation with Fellow Bloggers

Bloggers should always comment on other blogs and try to maintain good relation with all the fellow blogger as they are now a part of the Bloggers family. Gradually, it will help you build good link with other and your blog will be promoted eventually. 

8. Guest Posting

As a newbie, one should do as much as guest posting as he/she can. This will help in maintaining a attention towards your blog and also create backlinks,which plays a vital role in growth of your blog.  

9. Make use of Follow, Share and RSS buttons

Bloggers should make use of share, follow and RSS buttons so as to increase their visitors and number of followers to your blog. 

10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

More of the newbies would be thinking that what the heck is this thing. This is a word which many of the newbies are literally afraid of. Actually, SEO is nothing except than a strategy which helps in improving the visibility of your website/blog on the popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Beginners would have to do a little research on SEO and it would become easy for you too. 

So these are the 10 tips or hacks which are required to every new blogger before staring their blog. Hope you understood all these and make sure to follow these tips. Inshallah, these tips would lead to start a successful blog.

That's all from me for today. Hope you liked the article and follow it. For more information about Blogging and related stuffs keep following Adsense Hub and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get email notifications every time I post.   


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